Any fears around intimacy?

I was shocked before so I do

I don’t fear intimacy, I just don’t trust anyone enough to get that close to them, for now, it could change everything changes.

I definitely do now that the meds gave me erectile dysfunction low sex drive and a smaller dick.

Yeah, I’m afraid of getting in a relationship. I got involved with the wrong woman and got burnt. And now even though I don’t want to carry that with me I’m having a real hard time letting it go even though I know I am much more experienced and likely to find someone who is suited for me.

I do have fears around intimacy but it’s only because I’m not ready for intimacy. At the moment

Been single for 30+ years, don’t think it is fear, more I just fail at relationships, had enough of them to learn why bother

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My first priority is to please the woman. Do I do it probably not. So I guess I’m a bit self conscious about that.

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