Any Easy Meals i can try?

I am trying to get a bit more confident

I can only cook curry, chilli and Bolognese atm, any suggestions

I’m going to get some diced beef/Lamb and mince

Stir frys are easy. Just cut up veggies and chicken, beef, tofu or whatever, some spices, and cook it up. Put over rice - also easy to make. There’s even bottles of premise stir fry sauce you can buy and use. Then it’s even easier

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idk how to cook, what if i cook it all wrong and get food poisoning? i really worry about things like that

do you have a crock pot? Do you like chicken? Do you like vegetables?

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yeah i want to use my slow cooker (crock pot) i think its easier,

I like meat, veg, pasta, rice, sauce, couscous, i just dont know how to put them together very well, i have never been any good at cooking but i am trying to slowly try new thingsm i figured if i could cook meat in my slow cooker then i can maybe do a bit more stuff with it.

Crockpot recipes on Pinterest! You can just look for “chicken slow cooker recipes” or whatever specific or vague you want. That,'s how my 13 year old learned to cook a lot. Also, you can bake cake and stuff in your crockpot!


ok this is easy as it gets. Take a can of diced green chilis and put in the bottom of your slow cooker, place some boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2-4 depending on their size and the size of your cooker on top of the chilis, pour a large bottle of salsa verde over the chicken and cook on high for 4 hours, use 2 forks to shred the chicken, rinse 2 cans of any white beans and throw it into the crock pot and cook on high for 20 minutes. You have chicken chili, and its really good.

If you leave the beans out you can make chicken tacos or burritos or even nachos

If you add onions and bell peppers under the chicken you’ll be really fancy.

If you use different salsas you’ll have different flavors, shredded chicken is a must for any bachelor.


ok, i’m on pinterest and i thought to myself ‘i like making lists’ so i thought as a little experiment or challenge that i would plan a weeks dinners and try and stick to it :slight_smile:

idk what i’ll try first.

its too much :frowning: i am overwhelmed :frowning: too much

Just limit your search to specific things you want
“Spicy chicken casserole crockpot”
“Beef pot pie crock pot”


The narrower your search the better.

Omellettes are easy and good eating. Two eggs, Two tablespoons of water. Mix together. A tablespoon or butter ( can use oil at a pinch ) to pan fry up bacon, onion, garlic…Add egg and water mixture ( mixed of course ) Add cheese if you like it…then flip half way through cooking…your done. Great and easy.


I can’t flip eggs to save my life, lol, no omelettes in my house. My kids used to get the ones from Schwann’s when we had that kinda money when Grama was alive.

something i found that really looks good and its a fakeaway healthy lamb kebab mmmmm its basically just doing the meat and then puting it in some pitta bread with a bit of salad and some spicy sauce :slight_smile:

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There ya go! Are you a roast person at all? You can get a good roast (whatever animal, cut, etc) and if it’s too big butcher it down and freeze for other meals, or if you can cook it all at once in crockpot you can break it up and Tupperware individual servings in freezer or fridge. Roasts you can do anything to, lol.

We have an 8qt crockpot, we can fit a 5 pound roast usually, plus whatever veggies, gravy, pasta, etc we throw in there. Start it at 6am on high, let cook till 6pm.

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I agree with @LilyoftheValley that stir fry’s are easy. But, I make them even easier by using bags of frozen veggies, Uncle Ben’s ready made flavored rice, and either beans, chicken, hamburger, pork, fish, lamb or shrimp.

I use one large bag of any frozen veggies, any kind of meat or beans, and 2 pouches of any flavor of Uncle Ben’s ready made flavored rice. Cook it all up in the microwave, (except the meat), throw it all together and then, pour some Kikkoman soy sauce over it and serve. One cup is a serving.


@SkinnyMe is right. You can use beans, or tofu like I mentioned. If you use canned beans you don’t have to cook them. Just toss them in after cooking the veggies until they’re warm.

Tofu doesn’t have to be cooked so you can do the same thing. If you’re interested in using tofu, let me know. I’ll tell you the trick to get rid of extra liquid in the tofu.

With tofu and canned beans you don’t have to worry about them giving you food poisoning from being undercooked.


Omelettes are a good suggestion, even I can make those. I like using shredded cheese, cubes of ham, crumbled bacon and diced tomato pieces.


Grilled beef. 1515

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Chile and eggs.
Macaroni and cheese.

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