Im debating if i want to have children in the future and im just not sure. And if you are child free what are your reasons and are you child free by choice?
I’m married for almost 8 years. No children. I had my fallopian tubes removed in 2017 (sterilization).
I am not capable of raising a child, due to my mental illness. Also, I do not want to pass on my many health problems, both mental and physical.
Maybe someday in the future, I will be able to care for a child. If so, we would probably adopt an older child. Our plan was always adoption, anyway, because we both think it’s important to give orphaned kids a home. We were always against biological children, even before my mental illness diagnosis.
I am childless and partnerless.
I never wanted children. It turned out to be the best decision I ever made. I wouldn’t be able to raise them.
I have nieces and I’m worn out after spending about 2 hours of them.
I guess so that was what i was thinking about also. And i dont think i can come off my medication so i would worry about the side affects of my medication on my future children. I worry if they wil lbe normal id only want the best if i was to have a child because it sould be unfair to have anything but.
I do feel sad though because i feel like i would be missing out. I dont know how to feel anymore.
I’m child free by choice.
I actually birthed a child and he was adopted by friends.
We’re still super close, but I didn’t raise him.
My reasons are simple.
I don’t want kids.
They’re expensive,
And you’re literally responsible for someone else’s soul.
It’s horrible.
I’m a selfish person.
I want all my time.
I love that I had my kid.
Pregnancy was beautiful and an experience I’ll always cherish.
Making a family for our friends is the gift that keeps giving, I love it.
But not for me.
My husband and I are happy by ourselves.
Same here but i really feel as though id miss out. This feeling makes me feel depressed. I just dont know anymore
Also, if you’re debating on whether or not you want kids,
You probably don’t want kids.
Awww im pleased for you that you made that choice id like to have done that too. Be a surrogate. Bur due to being on medication i dont think i ll be able to. I contemplate my worth all the time and wonder if i should even be alive. I feel like if i dont have kids no one will want me im so broken and i really dont know how to heal.
Are you happy? Do you enjoy it?
Well I have higher priorities in my life rn like study and work. I don’t mind not having a partner or a child, now I have more time to have fun with my friends but I wish I could work and make money so I can spend on my hobbies like gaming PC etc
I won’t have kids. I thought I wanted them, and I do think I’d make a good mom, but ultimately, I just don’t need another struggle.
Also, I’m very against poor people having litters, and I’m poor.
If I can’t provide for the child, I’m not going to have it just to have it. So unless I fall into money, which isn’t going to happen, it’s off the table for me.
Samr here. I dont think i will ever make enough money to support a child and id likely have to do it alone because i just dont feel good enough to have a stable relationship. Id want the best for my children and if i cant give them that im not sure i should even have them.
Too many problems with schizophrenia
Don’t really care that I’m childless never met the right guy not fussed
I guess you are right. I need to get my proiritys in check.
been 19 years in a steady relationship, but no kids. people ask us often why.
I would be a bad mother. our relatives have kids and live nearby, so we take care of them and play with them and that’s enough.
My ex wife and I were trying to have kids for a while during our marriage.
Turns out she was medically incapable of getting pregnant.
All I can say is that this turned out to be a blessing.
We ended up divorcing because she turned out to be a horrible human being.
I have no children. I’m 44, it’s too late for me. I can’t afford all that stuff that comes along with it.
Not to mention it’s very hard to find a woman willing to date, marry and have children with a man with schizophrenia. Women don’t seem to have this problem.
I’ve come to be okay with the fact I’ll probably grow old and die alone childless.
I think if you have a good support system in place family, friends and your mental health is getting better not worse then you should keep it as a viable option.
I didn’t have any because it was never the right time and i have always had big problems i couldn’t overcome for want of trying. Doesn’t mean were all the same thou. If you want one and time is right then you should have what you want hun.
i am 39 and have no children. i tried once with an ex but we were on the rocks and off the rails and broke up. i dont even know if she really went off birth control.
i dont know. i told my other ex thst i wanted children last year. she wants two but i think id be better off free of them. i was around for raising my young niece but now shes 16 and working. those were good years.