Anxiety& angorophobia through the roof

I am already having anxiety about having to go to a celebration of life party for my aunt that just passed away. It’s next week and there will be 150-300 people there. Plus my cousin(her oldest daughter) is mean ,bitchy,and greedy. She is usually bitchy but now 2x that. She went off on my mom over the phone yesterday. Anyway. Lots of people plus her makes my anxiety go through the roof

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I would say do your best to avoid her. Don’t feel obliged to interact with her. Remember to breathe deeply and evenly and know that you have a right to be there. As far as the agoraphobia goes, I’ve suffered from that too so I feel for you. Take baby steps, start with just stepping outside for a few minutes, then try a short walk. Hope everything goes ok.

Can you just not go?

I have to pay my respects. If I don’t go family members will be very angry with me. I could only wish they understood my issues son I would be able to stay home.
I see my psych. On Monday in which I will ask for a med change . Hopefully abilify I will be able to feel the good effects enough by that time to deal with it. I know that meds can take weeks for full effect. Maybe ask for a couple of xanax or Valium lol.

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I take gabapentin for my anxiety. Maybe I should also ask if I could up the dose.

I think if the abilify isn’t working a little bit by next week ( I know it takes up to 3-4 weeks to feel the full effect) ,I might stay home and just send a card and call my other cousin ( younger daughter,the nice one).

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Just a few words of caution @angelawilder73
When I was on Abilify my Anxiety was over the top and my Agoraphobia was worse.
Abilify can increase or trigger Anxiety with some people.
Talk it over with your psychiatrist.
Good luck with everything.

God to know thank you. If you don’t mind me asking what are you on?
I’m very sensitive to meds. What I am afraid of is getting on a anti psychotic and end up being or going psychotic.

Oops sorry I meant good to know.

I’m on Risperidone and Depakote

Try not to bring any preformed attitudes with you to the party. It probably won’t be that bad. Just put in your time there, and slip out the door after you have let people see you’re there.

Actually my mom is holding 2 separate remembrance gatherings of around 10 people at each.
Few! Now I don’t have to go and make an appearance.

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I graduated 50 years ago from a delux boarding school. My wife wants us to go to the reunion. I’m not sure I want to go.


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