I just feel like all over the place. Best thing to do is breathe and just think twice about everything. =(
Abilify causes anxiety.
yeah I am freaking out about traveling in two months -
I thought you weren’t going to travel? Is that back on the table again?
I have a booked and paid ticket - March 22
Maybe ask the doctor for something like Cloneazapam or another benzo for while you’re gone.
I hate abilify anxiety.
How long are you going to be away? ( I remember you telling us about a one way ticket. I hope you’ve got a return ticket)
hahaha - it is a one way ticket =)
I dont wanna take Benzos anymore - I have lost my short term memory
Oh geez. Pretty big decision. I wish you the best of luck.
I can’t focus today, went to work came home could not figure out what I should do so came home and feel lazy now
I had 500 ml of wine last night and I really shouldn’t. This is why I am not well today.
I feel this way all the time. Seen others posting about abilify which I never had anxiety til taking (on 15mg now. Doctor wants me on 20 but my side effects become to strong) are you on abilify as well?