Antipsychotics and Metabolic side Effects

Hi everyone, hope you’re feeling ok today.

I would be interested in finding out which antipsychotics cause high Blood Pressure, High cholesterol, Diabetes, hypothyroidism and fatty liver. Wondered if you could reply listing what antipsychotic you are on and how many metabolic problems you have as listed above.

Mine are Haldol 3 mgs, 5 metabolic problems being high Blood Pressure, High cholesterol, Diabetes, hypothyroidism, fatty liver. Been on antipsychotics 22 years.

If it turns out there is a clear difference between the antipsychotics I may consider changing.

If I get enough replies I will let you know the totals metabolic problems for each antipsychotic.



Olanzapine gave me high blood pressure and cholestrol and raised my pre diabetic level


Abilify raised my blood sugar to pre diabetic. Not sure if it still is.

Everything else is seemingly fine


When I was on Zyprexa my blood sugar was pre diabetic. Now it is normal on Invega for 3 plus years.


I’m taking zyprexa 23 years it is causing metabolic side effects,

I take meds for high Blood Pressure, High cholesterol, and liver problems

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My experience:

Haldol: moderate level of metabolic effects.
Zyprexa: high level of metabolic effects.
Abilify: used too short to know. I suspect a lower level of metabolic effects, but I got off too quickly.

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Antipsychotics has major side effects are ed or erectile dysfunction. It happens to all patients.

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I think it is more antidepressants that cause ED. I had a problem with libido when I was on amisulpride, but once off that no other AP has caused me ED.

I am currently on risperidone and paliperidone.

I don’t take ADs.

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Geodon and Latuda are ranged as those two antipsychotics that cause the least metabolic side effects. I’m not going to recommend any of those because I’m no health care provider so I’ll recomend a chat with your treatment team.

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The older drugs like haloperidol generally cause less metabolic problems than the 2nd generation. I’m on haldol. Zero metabolic problems. But when i was on zyprexa, clozapine, they were starting.


It seems that I was ignorant to that fact. Seemed I was bad informed.


Maybe my metabolic problems are just genetic then as they run in my family or I have been eating too many sweets and carbs! I will speak to a pdoc about Latuda though. Thanks for your reply’s everyone.

I have had some problems with orgasm on these meds, I still have them but I do not ejaculate, also the quality isn’t exactly as awesome as when I am off of them, but it wasn’t always that way, the first year or two I was on risperidone it didn’t seem to affect me at all, I think the reality is that weight gain is the cause, at least it was for me, and when I lost the weight things returned to normal.