Has anyone else had antidepressants trigger an extreme acutely bad state / episode?
I had an awful reaction. It was terrifying. I couldn’t touch anything, including my own body, because it was all contaminated. They locked me up for that little episode, then said no more fluvoxamine for me.
Thanks! I wondered if it was just me. I can’t take them. I get irritable so bad I scream. State of confusion disoriented and very disorganized behaviour. Not coherent or controlled. That happened years ago and what started a this.
Yes i cant take them they drive me crazy
If you cannot take AD due to side effects that may mean that you actually have schizoaffective versus schizophrenia. I took them for the first 6 years of my disease. I started to retake it and I just couldn’t do it.
AD can conflict with a few things that you can be buy over the counter. Best to take to your doctor as most pharmacists are useless in this area.
Nope. Zoloft was very mild for me compared to the APs I took. Lexapro was pretty bad but the APs were probably still worse.
Oh wait if you mean psychosis symptom triggering than no no AD has ever set mine off.
Hello @Opus What do you mean by that? Can you please help me understand what that looked like fo ryou? Do you have Sz?
@Ninjastar I can’t take them either. The state they put me in is unbelievable. Total trigger. I know this can happen with Bipolar but wondered if it can also happen with Scz Thank you
I’m diagnosed with schizophrenia, but lately my doctors have been throwing around words like “manic” around me.
I see. I know Scz can have mania and Sza. I guess we all wait to see what the experts say. A Dr recently told me that there really is no true diagnosis that everyone fits. There are just clusters of symptoms which they treat and catagorize best they can bc everyone is different. Soemthing like that. Thanks
I stopped eating so God would send me messages once on Lexapro. And I don’t even believe in God.
Can I ask if you work? You had mentioned before that you are high functioning. I am hoping to get some functioning back. Some of my symptoms improved and I thought I’d function better when that happens. These negative type of symptoms are worse and debilitating, like affect me being a mom, etc. so much work to do anything. ++++ anxiety, no motivation, overwhelmed, etc. I would like to function better some day.
I used to work full time. Now I’m only volunteering part time, because I’m going back to school in January. If you want to try working, that’s awesome. Talk to your therapist, and if you receive SSDI, talk to your case manager there, too.
I’m kind of lucky, because I don’t really get negative symptoms. I have no idea what it’s like to have to overcome them, and I commend you for doing it.
My first episode was so bad on Wellbutrin that even an anti-psychotic couldn’t get me back to normal. I took Risperdal and it made me even more psychotic I was so messed up from the Wellbutrin. It took a hospitalization and THREE anti-psychotics to finally kind of stable me out.
yes i have sz when i take antidepressants after a few days i flip out and go into psychosis or mania whatever you wanna called it, which really sucks since i have depression.
This is exactly what happened to me on antidepressants too - I was prescribed only 10mg of amitriptyline for back pain and within a week I was screaming and shouting garbled nonsense, repeating numbers and swearing, and ran out of the house tearing my clothes and shoes off and throwing them away… I have been told since that antidepressants are a very bad idea for anyone with manic tendencies, unless prescribed alongside a mood stabiliser. Learnt that the hard way!
Thanks @Ninjastar i really appreciate the encouraging words. Perhaps some day I can, feeling so discouraged. I look like i function to people but i go to therapy today without a shower and did nothing til 10 mins before. I wore no socks and couldnt drive. With days like that, my goals are a little more basic. |Frustrated that this stuff is getting worse, but other ones got better. Thanks again. So great to hear that things are going so well for you!!!
Wow! good to know. Thank you @chew . Can I ask… do you have Sz? I guess I was confused bc sounds like they think I dont have bipolar… and I thought for some reason reactions to antidepressants was a bipolar thing only… sounds like its not. i CANT take them. Ever. Thanks again.
Thank you Turquoise. Mine was a super small dose too.