Antidepressants and their effects on negative symptoms (Citalopram (Celexa) and Fluoxetine (Prozac))

For Citalopram (Celexa)

Significant improvement in negative symptoms, superior to placebo. No differences in positive symptoms, general medical health or other side effects

For Fluoxetine (Prozac)

AD showed significant improvement in negative symptoms. Side effects were more common in AD group

Is anyone on either of these 2 meds?


Dammit. Not for me.

Citalopram may increase the blood levels of ARIPiprazole . This can increase the risk and/or severity of side effects such as drowsiness, seizure, Parkinson-like symptoms, abnormal muscle movements, and low blood pressure.

FLUoxetine may increase the blood levels and effects of ARIPiprazole. This can make you more likely to develop side effects such as drowsiness, seizure, Parkinson-like symptoms, abnormal muscle movements, and low blood pressure.

Here’s more.

I begged my Dr to prescribe me ADs, he refused everytime and said I am not depressed. I did try Wellbutrin but it did nothing.

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Maybe those who benefit from ADs their negative symptoms are caused by depression and not sz. I read that negative symptoms are present in both depression and sz.

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Did you try 5HTP supplement? It works like ADs.

Might have done you a favour.

Using citalopram together with risperiDONE can increase the risk of an irregular heart rhythm that may be serious and potentially life-threatening, although it is a relatively rare side effect.

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Yes I tried 5htp. It made me more optimistic but that was all.

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5HTP increase serotonin like ADs.

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I tried it as well, it just messed up my sleep for some reason, I was taking 200mg I think.

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Prozac gave me anhedonia. I was on it for a year

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My pdoc said ad is not something i should use.


I will ask my new Dr about ADs but I see lots of users here on ADs and they have bad negative symptoms.

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I’m on Prozac 40mg. My mood is so improved! It’s sort of wonderful

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Make sure there’s no drug interactions with your AP. (Like the ones above with Abilify)

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What AP are you on ?

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Olanzapine 15mg

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That’s sounds like a good combo.

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So far so good!!

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I wish I could take Ldopa without worsening my positive symptoms. It sucks that more dopamine improves my negative symptoms but make positives worse. I didnt become psychotic but I think I was going to after taking it for a week, I was more paranoid thinking ppl want bad things to me and therefore I was more irritable attacking ppl irl and online.

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Can you find it in pill form? Could use pill cutter

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