Anhedonia is probably caused by anxiety if dopamine agonists don't work

“She adds that grief and anxiety can cause anhedonia, and the condition has been linked to anorexia, schizophrenia, substance abuse disorders, Parkinson’s, PTSD, and other mental health conditions, according to Dr. Albers-Bowling.”

I’m currently on 5mg of abilify and the anhedonia hasen’t really gone. Now I’m thinking of fixing my mild anxiety with folinic acid if that would solve the problem.

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I don’t have anxiety really so I know that isn’t my cause. But it’s possible I may have PTSD from all the scary delusions I used to have. I dunno. All I know for sure is that it sucks.

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I just have this uneasy feeling in my body that doesnt feel like exactly anxiety.
I’m trying high dose of clonazepam to see if it goes away

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Stress depletes glutathione.

Needs to be acid resistant capsules.
This is the cheapest per mg.

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I’ve heard that anhedonia is like seperated in two things expectations of pleasure, and consumption of pleasureable activities.

If I got that part right schizophrenia seems to affect the first one, while most other cases are about the later.

@Bowens I’m supplementing now with zinc to see if abilify starts working for anhedonia.

“The body needs only a little but the mineral does a lot. More importantly, the brain needs zinc to manage dopamine .”

“When rodents are fed a zinc-deficient diet, they develop depression-like symptoms, including anorexia, anhedonia, increased anxiety behaviour , and increased periods of immobility, which have been reported in a number of studies”

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Zinc, magnesium and b6(zma)will raise testosterone which should help with anhedonia.

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