An update from me

Hi everyone,

I have been lurking on the forum for quite a while, but it’s been several months since I last posted. I was hospitalized in May for two weeks, and then was discharged for a month before I was re-hospitalized in July. I made a partial recovery after the first hospitalization, but after my dosage of Seroquel was upped the second round, I’ve recovered much more substantially. It’s now been three months since my last discharge.

I do still have some ‘down’ days, but I’ve been able to do a lot more than before, including participating in volunteering events several times a week, joining a clubhouse, traveling again, and applying to resume college and work toward finishing my degree next semester. ’

I would say overall I’m 80-90% of how I was before the schizophrenia developed. The deficits I had in concentration and mental stamina have greatly improved, and the voices are essentially gone, for which I am very grateful.

I will try to post on here more often, and share more updates in time.



Congratulations :balloon:. Sounds like progress

Well done. Sorry you had to take a few trips to the hospital. I hated that place.

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Congratulations! Glad you found a med that worked.

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Good to hear you are now feeling better and that your mental stamina and concentration have greatly improved.

I found that once my cognition improved, after being a mental zombie for so long, I was wanting answers to so many questions.

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Good for you and cograts on school.

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