Hi, this is me, Meado!
I’ve been reading the weekly schizophrenia forum updates on my email. It seems like no one is struggling all that badly, so that’s great. I’m glad it’s been a slow few months, hopefully it continues this way.
Just an update on my condition:
I’m ok, I’ve been calm recently. The stress is about the same, but after the millionth meds change in the last few years I’m feeling better. I got hospitalized once since I last posted here. It was for ten days only, and it was about the same as the one before it. They took me off Ridperidone, procyclidine and promethazine and added olanzapine. So I’m on orodispersable olanzapine tablet, and they’re tapering off the long acting injection I’m taking. They also increased the dose of the antidepressant, although they’re lowering the dose now.
I hear less voices these days, and laughing because of my thoughts is almost gone. I’m less depressed as well. The key to that was my parents sitting me down and explaining that I can’t rush things and that everything will work out if I’m patient. So that sorted me out! I also smoke less cigarettes, especially when the olanzapine was initiated. So I’m generally better than I used to be.
Dad’s suit is clicking on, the ending is in sight I suppose although I am less hopeful about it. That’s how it is here in the UAE. Their laws and working culture are a certain way, so if we end up with nothing I’m not going to over react. We may end up winning it, but that depends on certain things.
I gained about 20 pounds or so since I last posted here, but I’m not going to diet just yet, I was even more overweight before the up swing in symptoms so I’ll wait before I start living in apples, yoghurt and boiled chicken.
We are going to leave the UAE, where to at the moment is not entirely clear. I’m an American citizen, and so are my parents (I got the passport through them). But as a product of circumstances I might end up somewhere else in a year’s time. I’m not particularly bothered about that, just about anywhere is better than Dubai, the last few years were painful, they’ve earned my disdain because of that, especially my place of therapy; they were cantankerous from the beginning, and became hostile in the last couple of years.
Anyway, that’s my life as it is at the moment. I hope you had a cheerful holiday period, I had a relatively calm one with the exception of a day or two. Thank you, and till the next update!