An atomic bomb of anger

Man! I’m 54 years old and for over thirty years I experienced an unbelievable amount of anger in the form of abusive voices. I almost laugh today because it was so extreme for so long. I can say now it has past. Does anyone relate?

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I get angry at 2 things:

  1. When I can’t go #2.
  2. When the internet disconnects.

Everything else is just giggles to me.

I used to carry around a lot of anger from past abuse, but it was only hurting me and no one else. Therapy helped me dump the majority of it. There is still some left, but it’s a lot more manageable.

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I have a lot of anger, too, but I’ve never heard voices. It has subsided a bit now that I’m 65, but I can still go off on a tangent.