An age adjusted IQ test

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Your age adjusted IQ score is 108 and the average score of all test takers is 100.
So mentally tasking.

I don’t wanna know. I know I’m not as smart as I used to be and it’s depressing.

Adjusted to maximum age of 60(I’m 64) avg= 139
Screenshot_2021-01-19 IQ Scores - Average IQ Score at IQ Test Center 2nd

Adjusted to age 24

Screenshot_2021-01-21 IQ Scores - Average IQ Score at IQ Test Center 108

Iq decline

Its useless as I can’t function in life, always in bed:

I put age 30, Canada.

Most sites don’t adjust for age,so the results can be misleading. @Aziz 120 is far from a bad score.

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I scored 122. Tests with a strong focus on measuring visual-spatial ability usually trip me up but this one wasn’t so bad.

I’m better with non-verbal ‘pattern’ type tests than tests like Backlund's Sequence Test II Intro or those rotated dice tests.


Your age adjusted IQ score is 130 and the average score of all test takers is 100.

Grade Range Percent
Genius 144 0.13%
Gifted 130-144 2.14%
Above average 115-129 13.59%
Higher average 100-114 34.13%
Lower average 85-99 34.13%
Below average 70-84 13.59%
Borderline low 55-69 2.14%
Low <55 0.13%

That does not look accurate at all. It certainly is very different from real IQ test age norms.

Mine is 132 but it was silly test.just couple question were unique.and i don t think i m gifted.i m horrible at problem solving

Some IQ tests give you a good result however well you’ve done . If the scores are good when answering with (1)What you think is the right answer (2)what you reckon is a wrong answer & (3)randomly-then it’s a clickbait site.

I tried with what I believed are wrong answers.

Screenshot_2021-01-21 IQ Scores - Average IQ Score at IQ Test Center random

If the norms are the average of all test results like it looks like they are based on that screenshot then you can bet it is a bad test because a lot of the responses will be half-assed.

İ think best indicator for iq test is math questions.math already greatest challenge for iq itself

G factor IQ

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Overestimate by 10%= 125
Underestimate by 10%=153

Both can happen.

I’ve written numerous IQ tests on the Internet over the last 20 years. The lowest I have ever scored is 117, the highest 152, but I usually average around 130 which is exactly what I scored on this test.

I’m afraid to take it. I’m probably a lot dumber
I probably will.