Original post was locked, and rightly so for potentially being triggerish.
Not really sure what I was getting at with that particular post.
Perhaps it was rehashing old memories of a time before meds, and illustrating the state I was in during those days.
I did some “interesting” things and thought some “interesting” thoughts.
Some days, like today, I reflect on the meaning of my psychosis.
Like, what was it for?
…Surely it wasn’t all in vain.
Perhaps there’s something greater to it than simply a misfiring of random neurons:
Like, how can I incorporate what I’ve experienced into how I live my life?
Can I be helping others with the same affliction find healing?
How can I make a difference?
…Sometimes the search for a greater meaning leads me down winding paths.
…I don’t really know what I’m trying to say, or what my point is.
These are the ramblings of a schizophrenic, after all .