Ambition and Life Goals?

I wanted to ask what are some of your life goals? and how many of them were affected by schizophrenia?

I for example wanted to be a member of the parliament in my country and a successful expert in my industry. However, being diagnosed with schizophrenia and its side effects has affected, if not ended, both goals. I remain wanting to achieve other life goals, like advancing my knowledge and education, traveling around the world, staying in touch with friends…etc

However, I feel that schizophrenia has made achieving my life goals much more harder. I do everything with my brain, so how am I supposed to do and achieve anything when my brain is affected?

I feel like a laptop with no processor. Just a semi-human who eats, drinks and sleep.

Rant is over.

What about you?

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its a depressing tale of woe but now i just want to look forward and hopefully get a job

Life goals:

  1. Pain-free brain.
  2. Purchase new laptop.
  3. Purchase new camcorder.
  4. Work on my Youtube channel - talks & artistic time-lapse or nature videos.

Cool my friend. Would you like to share your YouTube channel?

I will in the future. Right now it has zero videos and no content. Once I start uploading I will be sure to post those videos here & also on Facebook. It won’t be until late 2016, though. I’m strapped financially.

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Good luck mistercollie. Those sound like great ambitions

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My goal is to not suffer. But that inevitably makes me lazy. My mom is giving me ■■■■ about it. There will be a day when she gets tired of me, she finds the rent isn’t worth it, and she kicks me out. My dad has already reached that point. I can’t work while medically subdued but if I get off medication, I will get paranoid or have overwhelming anxiety…probably. I have this feeling that I will suffer for eternity. Luckily I’m not alone. I hope things get better.

That’s a respectable goal. I have the same goal, but I’m afraid to apply cause they will think I’m a lunatic or something and would eventually lose the job.

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Keep a cool head and you never know, its just the transition, I will need support for getting back into work, it is a very slow process but hopefully get therevin the end, I will be happy for part time work, start with flexible work though so I can do it when I want.

I had a lot of life goals and ambition. I lost my drive on the new med. i don’t know what i’m gonna do yet. I have some time

I have no idea. Keep my head above the water I guess.

I had big goals, so i went for it and i became unwell, then i tried something else huge and i became unwell, then i did nothing and that made me sad and low and bored… then i tried to something else big and I still got unwell and i tried to go off meds and i went worse by far for 3 years.

So for 10 years i had smaller goals, and i’ve been fine. Happy, married, sometimes exercising obsessively, sometimes driven obsessively with writing.

But 10 years later i’m having a play produced.

I didn’t really want to be a writer i thought it was uncool, and whenever i tried to put anything down , it ended up being about me and i’d hate it… so now putting characters on stage seems to be my thing.

Stress is not my thing any more


maybe that’s what i need. small achievable goal. I’m just never fulfilled.

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That’s really impressive :slight_smile: Proud of you

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