Has any one else developed a paranoia of being wrong? I feel like I’m paranoid about my paranoia. I constantly feel like I don’t know enough. I have so many wierd things happen I constantly feel the need to explain everything in my head. I’m always reading researching just to make sure what I see fits the laws of physics. Idk thoughts?
Well, everybody is wrong about something at some point. I work in insurance so I constantly worry about being wrong and try to double-check myself as much as I can. I think some worry is probably okay, but you shouldn’t be obessessed with it 24/7.
Welcome to the community!
I hope I am not right. I wish nothing bad will happen tonight.
Thank You! I understand people are wrong sometimes but I think I’m a bit obsessed. I’ve read 13 books this year and listened to countless podcasts not to mention the news and so many many things. My voices point things out to me and I feel I have to understand that thing so they can’t use it again me?
Oh ho ho, that’s wonderful. You’re high-functioning. Hoping you are on meds, but thinking that some therapy will help. Also suggest workbooks on anxiety and worrying.
The fact that you are functioning this well says you have the capacity for more recovery!
I am admittedly pretty damn arrogant. I assume that I’m correct and that others are wrong. This is likely why it was so difficult for me to reject my delusions and why I initially refused to work through my delusions in therapy. I genuinely believed that I knew what I was talking about. I basically felt like I was the smartest person in the world, enlightened, and by extension, above all of humanity. Sometimes, I didn’t even believe that I was human.
Kudos to you for never coming across that way here.
Hey, thanks. I appreciate you saying that because I really do try and tone it down, both here and in real life. It’s easier here though because I can go back and change or remove parts of my post before actually submitting it.
In real life, I tend to unintentionally insult people by bragging or saying that I did something better than others. Sometimes these things just come out, and though I do apologize, I feel like people can tell it’s not genuine in the sense that I meant exactly what I said (i.e. I’m sorry I said what I said out loud, but I still believe it to be true).
It’s not like I’m a sociopath though. If I truly hurt someone, I feel remorse and apologize to said person in private to prove that I really am sorry that I hurt them and not sorry for being caught.
Anyway, thanks again! I’m trying my best to be a good person and to not look down on others. Honestly though, I think my psychosis knocked me down a peg. Lol, there’s no way I’m more intelligent that everyone else when I believed all the sh it that I used to believe. An all knowing god is experimenting on me? If he’s “all knowing,” then why the fu ck does he need to conduct experiments on his own damn creations?
The always thinking you’re right is a tricky one. My sister has said I always insisted on being right when we were children . My counter point to that was she insisted she was right in such situations and I was wrong . So both of us were insisting we were right, and too stubborn to give ground.
I wish i would be sure about myself in some areas of my life. Sz overstepping the line constantly. We ignore the warnings and keep doing it.Some Sz are pioneer’s when comes to beliefs.(religion).
How do you post topics on here. I had a horrible day
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