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Please let me know: yes or no? Thank you.
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Yes! You’re welcome here. Of course!
Yes!!! 1515141
Yes. Why would you think otherwise?
Changing your category from meta to lounge btw.
Yeah, you’re welcome here. I don’t have a problem with you.
Your post is only 6 minutes old, maybe easier to edit it and add a poll to get quick results.
Of course you are! Why wouldn’t you be?
I think I’m not welcome here, because I don’t think I have sz (yes, a doctor did say the words, “you have schizophrenia,” but I don’t believe it).
Listen to the doc!!!
I’m not going to diagnose you but you have definitely had delusions of people spying on you. Just a few weeks back you asked the members of this forum something like “Why are you spying on me, don’t deny it”. So you belong here.
I hoope you werent trying to pull a “I think they dont like me” so I’ll ask if I belong here, so they will answer “I don’t” therefore I dont have sz
Yeas of course you are indeed welcome here!
As much as anyone else.
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