i work two eight hour days a week there. my quality of life would be much better if i could only work one day instead. money would be tight, but i might be able to handle it with my investments. my schizoaffective doesn’t limit my ability to work under normal circumstances, it’s mostly my severe anxiety. (though with my history of mania and psychosis a full time job wouldn’t be safe for me) i have problems standing and sitting still, plus some psychological anxiety, but my job is flexible enough that i can tolerate two days a week. it’s partly my anxiety making me want to work one day a week, but it’s mostly just a bummer having to go into work every week, then pick up and do it all over again.
there are benefits to working twice a week, like a better financial life and exercise that i get paid to do and socializing.
i think about all you guys who can’t work, who would love to be in my shoes. maybe i’m being ungrateful?
I used to work 2 days a week, 3 hours a day. Did it for three years It worked for me then. Used to get up at 7:00 am and catch two buses for an hour and a half to get there. And an hour and a half back.
i work at a deli. some days it’s a lot to handle, and some days it’s a breeze. other than serving customers, i have a lot of leeway in how aggressive i am in making money, at my own pace. i can take lots of breaks and go for walks within reason. as long as i get the basics done, i have a lot of flexibility. if i had to stand there prepping food all day, i couldn’t do it. this job just happens to be flexible, i can’t think of too many jobs where i could last for long periods. can’t work offices can’t walk too much, cant stand in one spot. etc etc