Am i seriously mentally ill like my doc says?

doubting my doc again…

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Look at your own threads.

You’re all over the place.

I’m sure if your pdoc says you have serious mental illness, he’s right.

But all of us on the forum do,

So you’re not alone and you’re not doomed.

You can have a quality life if you cooperate with treatment.


Yes, my Dear, your ill like the rest of us.

I guarantee I’m just as nutty as you. The trick is accepting it.


I dont know why we doubt our ilness, but i think its definitely a delusion on our part

Its definitely there, because when we become unwell; all the criteria symptoms tick off from whats the drs see

Maybe youre having a lapse of insight? I know i do. But it never has worked favourably when i have done, just made me regress in progress. Studies get ruined and motivation has to be worked on all over again

I wonder the same about myself - till my history shows I am

Everyone here has a serious mental illness :crazy_face:

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