Always been strange

Since I was six I was asocial and withdrawn,growing in for me strange place.I even was considered strange among family.Don’t think schizophrenia changed that.People who don’t know me for long time still are very rude bc of my strangeness.Can anyone relate?


I knew something was off when I was 6 years old and worried that I wouldn’t fit in when I was grown up either.

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You’re an old man inside

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For example,when I was six,I was sitting in my favourite place,like entrance in building,beside wooden mail boxes,and thinking about how I’ll never get married nor have kids.Girls and boys in school always stole my things,and blaming me in front of teacher,how I told that I hate her.Never played with kids,never been invited to a birthday parties or football games,even to point of being rejected to join as goal man,which was worst position.I barely have one friend who liked me,and we used to talk about strange things and listen to Violent Femmes in primary.He later comited suicide,which hurt me very much.

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I just listened to violent femmes yesterday. I could figure out why other kids were so happy and not nervous like me.


Couldn’t sorry not could


My mom told me that I was really weird once I started getting sick. Like, my thinking was weird, my walk was weird, my movements were weird, everything.

Once I woke up and I was kind of out of it so I stayed in bed for awhile. Then, I looked out my window and saw the most beautiful tree. It was covered in flowers and it was surrounded by this white aura, it was glowing and I thought to myself, “I saw God.” So I rolled out of bed and walked to my mom’s room and asked her and my brother if that tree had always been there. They stared at me like they were concerned and then my brother was like “…yes?”.


I think people think Im odd because I have a weird habit of staring at people out of the corner of my eye so it freaks them out. Cant help it, its part of my ocd-like symptoms. Was a normal kid till I hit puberty though


I’ve always been a little strange.
Socializing never really made much sense to me.
Couldn’t understand why everyone else was so happy.
I had a few close friends but after a few years of being sick, I disappeared and so did they.

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One thing is still present since I was kid and that is that I never cared what f.ckers think about me.

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İ always thought i was more special than other kids. Unfortunately i really was. :confused:


Interesting view…

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I just can’t help thinking that strangeness brought us MI’s…

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I’m sorry your friend committed suicide. That must be heartbreaking.

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He developed schizophrenia before me.Hanged in hospital six months every year and was happy only there.I heard from his mother that he even find a girlfriend there who was a bit older then him and that they played ping pong all the time.I begun visiting last years of his life three times a week,but when I didn’t what I’ve heard later tried to kill him self ten times.He often asked me to bring him more Eminem.I don’t know how he could listen that angry singer.

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I was extremely shy from when I could walk and talk I would always hide behind people and wouldn’t play or talk to other children, my family used to say I was a strange child because I wouldn’t even go play with any of my cousins, now I have schizophrenia, I think it is always there it just takes something traumatic to trigger it


Wow! What a story! I’m sure his mom and girlfriend really miss him, too.

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In fact I felt his mother who was all about him,got relief.That’s sad.He’s girlfriend left him earlier saying that she couldn’t watch him that lethargic.

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Only thing that keeps me still is music.I always found relief in whatever I’ve listened.

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My dad used to call me “weird” when I was a little girl and I never knew why. My friends used to call me “odd” and “strange” and I didn’t know why they called me those things. People now call me “eccentric” and I know why now.

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