Already looking for a new job -_-

So I work at a fast food restaurant and I’m one of the front end managers. I loved it at first, but now I hate it. I love most of my customers, almost all of my coworkers are super nice, and my immediate supervisor and I are becoming fast friends. So it’s a real shame that our store owner is a complete tool. They failed to tell me until after I accepted the job that we’re not allowed to have visible tattoos (wtf, it’s a fast food restaurant.) that was fine until it got hot outside. Now they’re still forcing me to walk around in a long sleeved shirt under my uniform. I have a cross on my wrist…not a naked person, not swear words…a cross. Everyone and their mom has a cross or an anchor or a butterfly or something cute like that. I don’t think it’s worth putting me through heat stroke just to cover it up. I also cut my hair too short to tie up just so I wouldn’t have to tie it up for work. They’ve never yelled at me for the length of my hair until out of nowhere “Clip your bangs back or we’re writing you up.” I clip my bangs back. “You need to pull your hair back or we’re writing you up.” I physically CAN’T pull my hair back. He constantly complains about the way I prioritize my opening task list, but every time I change it and do what HE asks me to do, I still get yelled at worse than before. He talks down to me like I’m a child. I get it, I have a baby face, but ■■■■ off about it. I’m an adult. Treat me like one. He watches me while I work and pushes me to go faster when I literally can’t go any faster because the drink dispenser can only dispense drinks so fast. He’s put this policy in place that requires you to have written proof that excuses you from any absense. You have a cold for one day? Drag your sick butt to the doctor, pay the copay, have them look at you and say “yup you have a cold!” and get a note to prove you had a ■■■■■■■ cold. Car accident? The cop has to write you a note saying it actually happened. Also if you call out to go to a funeral, HE MAKES YOU PROVIDE PROOF THAT YOU WERE AT A FUNERAL!!! That’s extremely disrespectful to the deceased and to the person mourning their loss. I have to put up with all of this ■■■■■■■■ for $9.50 an hour. I’m a manager and I don’t even get paid $10 an hour. I’m ready to beat this guy’s face in. I’ve put in several applications at other places and I’m really really hoping I get hired somewhere else. Can’t take the abuse anymore. I and my coworkers frequently cry on the job because of how we’re treated. It has to stop. I’m praying I get hired somewhere else soon. I’m just applying wherever I can

just ignore him and try and put up with the ■■■■ and if you die from heat exhaustion he will go to jail lol. yeah i’d just have to bite my lip and get on with it, sorry if not helpful x

I’m looking for a new job so hopefully that works out. I’m just not willing to put up with so much ■■■■ for such little pay. On top of all the ■■■■ my boss puts me through, I’ve been slapped in the face with food because a customer didn’t like it that her food was in a paper bag…just like everyone else’s food is

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thats not nice i think i would have called the cops on that person :confused:

do you get tips?

Nope it’s a chain restaurant so we’re not allowed to accept tips -_- tips would sure make me feel a lot more motivated haha

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i think you should do what you think is right :slight_smile: no point getting hung up about it, think of how it will affect you and then make a decision, hope things work out for you :slight_smile:

Hang in there. I’m sure you’ll find something better

people at say, “just ignore it” don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.

what they really mean to say is, “Push his abuse to the back of your mind, and keep it there, and on the front of your mind, laugh with your co workers, do an extremely good job, and all for yourself. Because you are worth it.”

Hope you find a better place to work. Good luck. Also, well done on being able to work in the first place, and being so successful.

Thanks for all the support guys :slight_smile: I’m definitely hoping things go well with the applications I’ve put in. It’s nice to be able to come on here and get advice and support and sometimes just a listening ear from others like me

what is your diagnosis?

I have Paranoid Schizophrenia

yeah, well, when they went through my history for disability insurance,

every job was short, many, and inconsistent. If you’re not on it, and can’t work,
then apply and get a great worker who will keep calling them.

What they do at the headquarters is pull a file randomly from the drawer and
evaluate to determine if they should get payments, and can’t sustain work.

The worker for you will ask them to pull your file, and place it on their desk,
on top of the other files. They may deny if you don’t have this broken track record.

I don’t know if my diagnosis is even on file anywhere

just know it’s there. it’s not easy holding a job with this illness. they know that.

I have no problem at all holding a job it’s just this particular store manager is an ass. And it’s not just me, everyone is kind of miserable there

Yeah, many are, though. I’ve been micro managed to death, every frigging little thing, but it was $12 an hour, and I stuck it out, until chest pains, panick attacks, my health, and I never went back.

It’s for important for me, with my daughter facing it, that she has fight her own battles, and don’t be one of those who confides in co workers for solace. best to understand management, and why it is there.

Yeah I hate the micro managing. I don’t think it’s a good way to create a happy work environment

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