I got offered a job at a Cafe today making 12/hr which is 2 dollars more than what I’m making as a framer.
My current boss has given me two talks in the past week over my performance, think it’s bs I’ve only been there for 3 months. So I’m leaving. Plus they wrote up my favorite boss for speaking up about covid concerns. Called him unprofessional so he walked out.
Just super unimpressed with my current job. They keep piling on new expectations for such little pay. I’m putting in the effort they pay me for, not the mentality bosses appreciate but I mean if they want me to do the work they’re expecting they need to pay me more. They deny everyone’s requests for pay raises so im.not even gonna try.
I know this Cafe job will be very stimulating but I’ve worked there before so I think I can do it.
PLUS I was approved for disability and am kicking out my terrible roommate. I have a newer partner who takes care of me. Everything is Gucci as they say