Already feel better

I’ve been having periods of feeling like ■■■■ lately(bad mood,resentful,apathetic, feeling shitty, and generally pissed). I didn’t know why at the beginning but I think I narrowed it down to my anti anxiety med propanolol. In ways it makes me more chill, but in other ways it zaps my mood and energy. I’ve only been in it for about four days, but I didn’t take tonight’s dose and I’m already starting to feel better as it’s wearing off. I’ve never done good on a lot of meds. I’m back to 8mg perphenazine twice a day and that’s it. I may take a hydroxazine for sleep but maybe not. I’m glad I found my issue. Some kid at day treatment made a comment to me that pissed me off and I didn’t have a comeback or a way to stick up for myself cause lack of energy or apathy. I’ve been resentful about that today. I’m gonna be a dick to him next time I see him. I feel back to my more normal self.


I’m glad you figured out what was wrong

I don’t think being a jerk to that guy is really going to help you.

Try just being nice or ignoring him and letting it go. He’s also mentally ill and you don’t know what he’s been through.

2 wrongs don’t make a right


I agree with @LilyoftheValley . I think you should let this one slide.


I kinda was a dick to him today. It wasn’t severe. I was just kinda submissive and when he didn’t get it I was a smarts ass. He really is not very smart, but he’s a nice enough guy. I’d consider us friends in a way, but I’m not gonna put up with all his stupid bs. I feel bad though when I hurt people so I’m not gonna go around treating him like ■■■■. We’re good I guess.

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