No matter how hard I worked and how much I did there was still tons more to do. It was never ending and overwhelming. I’m glad my shift is over.
I just couldn’t handle the stress tonight
I dont want to say where I work but it’s fast paced and short staffed
I’m sorry to hear that. My job isn’t so fast paced, but it stresses me tf out. It’s not easy working with a psychotic illness.
I’m sorry for you @freakonaleash I hope your situation gets easier
I’m trying to get a lower stress job, having no luck. What stresses me out about my job is having to deal with the public.
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I hope things get better for you, too.
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Thanks @freakonaleash i hope you find a job you like
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Im not working right now, but my last job had endless work. There’s slower paced jobs. I hope I can find one.
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Good luck on your search @broken
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