Ai is now being used to improve ai. We have reached a positive feedback loop

Self-Improving AI Feedback Loop! OpenAI o1 writes PHD’s Code, 1X World Models

Ai is now helping to improve ai. The things that we will see in the next few years will seem like magic.

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I don’t intend to hold my breath waiting for ai general intelligence.


I do. I think we’re 5 years away MAX. If I had to bet I’d say 1-3

Please talk to your medical team about your declared intention to hold your breath for one year.

Just kidding. :slight_smile:


My doctors Sam Altman. He gave me the green light lol

“Put glue in your pizza”



“Wear a sock over your junk instead of underwear”



“Writes PHD level code that took student a year to produce in 1 hour” -AI


When I was 3 years old, my sister came home from school and told my parents she was learning to multiply. I listened carefully to how she described it.

I extrapolated on her use of language. I reasoned that since “2 times two is four,” four is two two times. (2 * 2 = 4, 2 + 2 = 4). From there, I figured out how to multiply on my fingers up to 25. Then, since I had played the card game “Mille Bornes” with my family and knew that 3 25’s were 75, and had heard that many people died in their 70’s, I got very scared about how short life is.

I don’t remember the exact year; but, I also remember my parents or someone buying a toy calculator for me within a few years of that. The package said it could talk. Inexperienced me fell for it. What the calculator could do was accept the input 07734, and get turned upside down.

I’m 48 now. There’s a short anecdote of greedy people making money on AI gimmicks.

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o1 was an algorithmic break through. It’s not clear that scale is the only way forward. If synthetic data turns out to be a necessary we’ll probably find ways to improve its quality and make it practical.

Anyway, if general artificial intelligence comes to exist in the next 1000 days, I imagine that only the most influential humans (less than 0.1%) will still be alive in 2000 days.

we don’t know exactly when AI took over but it was then that they scorched the earth…


Altman has a history of exaggerating things. I wouldn’t get too excited yet.

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Have you played around with o1 yet? Doesn’t seem like there are many problems it can’t solve.

No, it is not approved for use at work and I have no need to use AI outside of work.

The only problem I have that needs solving is the weather on Sunday is not what I was hoping for. I don’t think AI can help me with this.

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AI really helps me troubleshoot code and queries

Really helpful as it fixes the code and tells you how to avoid the mistake in future

Makes me very productive as it used to take a while to search forums etc

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