After fighting off delusions for years, I have come to a place of peace

And can say in an accepting way that this is all I am.


I’m glad you can say that. It gives me hope.


It seems like I’m faced with forced delusions and triggers these days. I’ll be in my good minder not even thinking about illness or anxious stuff and something will happen that throughs me back in that mind set. It’s not so much of a minder these days it’s just a crappy mood I get in and makes me think about past experiences and the things pwople have done to offend me.

Keep going with that flow and looking forward.

i know exactly what your talking about. It will end when you learn to accept your self and dismiss those who don’t accept you. Sometimes we hate ourselves just because everybody else does. Everybody has some “flaw” that aggressive people will pick on. Being obese, being small, being black, being German, the list goes on and nobody’s immune to it. We learn in literature that every character has a flaw. Makes sense. If we were perfect, we’d never die. Opposites attract to help out with each other’s flaws. Good luck to you, @Gonehuntin

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Thanks You see things alot of the way I do. It seems like alot the stuff and people I used to bounce off me has now started becoming clingy and burying hooks in me just to make me annoyed. It’s like they need you for some reason but hate that they need you so they make ■■■■ he’ll for the both of you lol. I just hate having to stoop to a level that I’ve grown past just to be able to defend mydelf against it. Idk lol