Affects of Adrenaline...anyone?

Does anyone else have a sort of sensitivity to adrenaline? When I’m in a hurry or any reason my body gets a rush of adrenaline, I start shaking pretty bad. My hands especially, but sometimes my whole body and even my head, like I’m shaking my head “no” ever so slightly. I also get irritable with adrenaline, and if there’s someone to be upset with, it can quickly snowball into a rage if I don’t catch it and talk myself down. Wondering how common this might be.

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Yes, we produce more flight or fight hormones than people who aren’t scz. I notice it and I’ve been educated about it in school. I suggest taking deep breaths in your belly and not your chest to fight the adrenaline shots which you said cause you to feel distressed.

I get them all the time, like when driving in my city (notoriously horrible driving here).

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Sure every time I work out I get the “pump” which is a adrenaline rush.

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@Erratica, I so relate! I love working out and feeling the power of that adrenaline, but after moving and getting married and starting a new job, I think I also binge ate for the purpos of calming myself. I also just felt tired all the time…Now I’m overweight and the adrenaline makes me crabby…I also clench my teeth. Thanks for sharing! Walking sounds good!

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@mortimermouse, So validating-thank you! I need to remember the deep breathing!

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I aim to please. Glad you found my words useful. :smile:

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I have to work through it…

there are times I used to get amped up about something… and then stay amped and irritable… pace and snap at people… get really angry…

But when I get amped up now… I have to burn it off. deplete it. Walk or swim until I feel tired again. Then I can relax.

An adrenaline rush used to make me short tempered… these days it seems to make me manic.

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