Hi all, it’s been a few days since I’ve posted. I’ve been bogged down with lots of phone calls and appointments. Sorry about that.
Anyways, “good news”. As some of you know I have yet to see a psychiatrist for medication. Well that’s changed, which I guess is good because it’s a step in the right direction according to society. However the experience was not great. Today was my first day at the program (group therapy) and I HATED absolutely all of it. I don’t think it will work. But it got me medication… Which I’m really dreading taking, but hopeful it will kick in. They gave me abilify and trazodone. I took the abilify about 6 hours ago and it’s making me very nauseous with vertigo. I’m hoping that will go away. Anyways I wanted to get some opinions on either of these from the pros, if anyone has tried them. I have yet to take the trazodone. Not ready to sleep yet. Anyone got any information or experiences for me?
I’m on 20mg of Abilify…
The first month I started taking it, I wanted to join the Rockettes. Now I’ve settled into a comfortable zone with this drug. Makes me both relaxed (no psychosis) but kinda jumpy at the same time.
Good luck on your new med regime!
I’m at 5mg, 10 in a few days. Does it ever make your body sore?
No. I feel it has lowered my sex drive though. Keep an eye out for that.
I’m on 10mg. Here’s a post about how I’m doing on it.
I take Trazadone. My doctor thinks it is a very clean drug. I dunno.
Ugh, that’s no good. I don’t really have intimate time with my partner now because I can’t focus long enough for it to be enjoyable for either of us. I’ll have to see how it goes. Thanks for the heads up.
That’s very good to know, I hate medication but that makes me feel better. Thanks Jayster!