Adult Social Care

Apparently the Autism part of the service is pushing me onto the Working Age Mental Health Specialists.

I protested that the help I need is mainly in relation to the autism, but according to their guidelines, Schizophrenia is the primary thing I will be assessed on

This frustrates me, as I want the social recreational part of my life supported, not necessarily anything to do with Schizophrenia…

In the last three years, no Autism support has been provided to me as an adult, and I find it unethical for a service to diagnose but not address difficulties associated with the Autism.


What support do you think that you need?

This is what they help with:

  • your wellbeing – what is important to you in your daily life
  • any physical illness or mental-health issues
  • food and drink – your diet and preparing meals
  • personal care – keeping clean and being appropriately dressed
  • looking after your home
  • getting around your home safely
  • developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships
  • finding and being involved in work, training, education or volunteering
  • getting out and about – using community services, including public transport and recreational facilities
  • carrying out any caring responsibilities.

There are a few things that I will ask for from that list


I’m glad you’re advocating for yourself. That’s a very positive thing. Good luck!

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That’s great you get so many services. I just get money, a pdoc and as of next week a coach who will help to find work.

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Do they provide you with a personal budget?

I am not sure what’s happening. They were supposed to call me this morning but never bothered.

Left a message with them to call me back, but they never did :confused:

Have you ever had a CPA meeting?

I have that with the NHS Trust, but these services are provided by the council

they should be doing it as a multidisciplinary meeting so social care and mental health care work together.

I am upset they did not call me today as discussed.

Tried to talk to this person last Friday, but there was an annoying person in the background in the office she was calling from, and I couldn’t make out what she was saying…

When they call back, I might tell them where to go. I can manage without them

Doubt they’d help much anyway

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