Acceptable weight on ap?

I gained over 100 lbs on clozapine but recently lost 21 lbs

That’s really slim , what tips do you have

What’s your bmi?

I walk 4km/h (80 steps per minute) during 30min or 1 hour, almost everyday.

I eat 1700 kcal, sometimes more and sometimes less. When i’m on diet i eat 1500 kcal. On diet I try to avoid food that make me bloat.

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What’s your bmi

My bmi Now is 22.7


Did you gain weight on ap before losing it off?what was your heaviest?

Yes. My heaviest was 71kg duo to antipsycotic meds! I took 1 year to lose those 15kg.


Were you taking anti-psychotic medication for that 1-year when losing those 15kg?

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How do you rate this med? I am thinking of going on it as my Amisulpride is giving me high prolactin

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If I can find clothes that fit then… I wish there was an acceptable weight for it because it seems impossible to permanently reverse.

Yup, i was taking AP when i lost the 15kg.

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In the US average height and weight is 5’9’’ and 198 lbs. Ideal height and weight charts would say 160 ish to 185 ish. Screw ideal height and weight charts. They don’t reflect reality.

I’m 73 kg on abilify. Healthy bmi is 68kg. Need to lose loads of weight though cos I wanna be less thn 68kg.will do that this year hopefully

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For weight gain it’s good, but I went psychotic while on it, so I stopped it. Not sure why that happened. Other people have had good experiences with this medication though.

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That’s cool did you gain any weight while on ap?

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Yeh I was 96kg!!! Now, 2 years later I’m 73kg.

What ap were you on when you are 96kg

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Was always on abilify throughout the whole time including now. Just wen I was 96kg I was on a higher dosage and still adjusting to life on meds

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