A week without alcohol... now it's tough

The first 8 days without alcohol was terrific. Such a joy to be clear in the head and my body felt better. No craving at all.

Then one of my mood swings came by. Intrusive thoughts, depression and stupid suicide ideations (i’m not reacting to them or in danger)

And now i’m craving alcohol like ever before. I just want a big, strong beer to get rid of the bad mood, but i guess, it’s not an good idea to begin drinking, as long as you still got the craving.

I just have to go through this episode, and come out sober.


You could consider alcohol free beer if you get cravings. It actually still has a calming effect because of the hops which are in it.


Im just sitting, drinking an alcohol free beer right now :slightly_smiling_face: I like them very much.


Hang in there. Im no angel, cos i too have the odd relapse. But it does get easier. I know what you mean about the strong beers, we have a load of polish ones here for the local community and they are lethal after 2.

Ive found that sometimes its just because im thirsty - glugging some fizzy soft drink can help. And keep a good supply of boiled sweets, sometimes you might be craving the sugar outta one.


Thanks, i will try to buy some sweets, sometimes i think the craving is due low blood sugar. Well done you are still (mostly) sober.

We have a brew called “Carlsber Masterbrew” in denmark, i think it’s called “Special brew” in UK.

It’s a killer too.


I always keep away from those, and also from Christmas beers.

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You can do it :fist: :fist: :fist:

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@Naarai I loved polish beer when I was drinking. Zwiek was my fav

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Sometimes I crave alcohol when I’m feeling low or anxious.

What helps me is to remember how badly I end up feeling afterward.

Alcohol messes with my sleep and makes me feel oogie in the morning. Then my mood is even worse and my anxiety just as bad.


your pdoc can prescribe anti-alcohol pills, not the kind that make you throw up if you do have a beer or two or six.
I’m on them. Idk, I’m starting to think it’s all psychological though,
that they are actually helping me.


Nah i had a penchant for “Karpackie” 9% Jobbys. 4 of them and i was in bed. lol

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That would do the job, yup lol

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Keep going @bluebutterfly . Don’t give in to the cravings.


@bluebutterfly a friend of mine is part of an online group who support each other in trying to quit for 30 days. He has found it quite helpful, he’s gone down from getting drunk every day to maybe falling back once every two or three weeks. I know he’s a lot happier

Something to consider

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Most addicts can ‘quit’ something pretty easily.

It’s the never doing it again for the rest of your life that is the hard part.


@bluebutterfly remember why you want to do this. Remember not wanting to sit on the couch drinking every night and feeling unhealthy. Remember the bad feelings. Go towards the healthier you. Get up and go for a walk and enjoy being sober. I’m proud of you for doing this. Keep going.


The cravings will pass whether one uses or not.


My advice is to stay away from those. They help keep the craving alive for beer with alcolhol. Too many of the people I see using those are unable to maintain sobriety because of them. There are, unfortunately, some tastes you’ll have to give up as part of a sober life.

It does get better, so wishing you good luck.


3 years in and I still get cravings. They will pass. Passes faster with some tools I learned from rehab, easier to handle.

It gets easier.


Rehab has never worked for me, Drinking around a dependent son?
it was all shame.
I never went back.
I quit for a long time when I’m employed.
I don’t think employers realize they are changing a life.