What appeals more to u in a girl boobs or butt as a male?
For me it’s the boobs
What appeals more to u in a girl boobs or butt as a male?
For me it’s the boobs
Oy vey…
Women have brains. They have minds and souls. They are worth much more than their body parts
I know all that but just asking what turns one on
Good grammar. Good spelling.
With this type of thinking no guy will ever fancy me
Bit sexist!?? Oh dear.
I hope im not judged on my physical appearance.
You want to adjust your view of women.
(and going by your last post you made - im not surprised your single)
Yeah let’s deny that there is such a thing as physical attraction.
Personally I like butt and boobs and heart and soul and mind, but that’s just me.
nothing wrong with this post. People talk this way, why should the internet be a place to mute yourself? Also nowhere does the guy say that women don’t have a brain or a soul. It’s not personally what I want to discuss and have on my internet history, but there’s nothing wrong here, sheesh.
I’m Asexual so idgaf. One day we’ll all be smooth and then the aliens will reveal themselves with the greeting “now you’re truly intelligent and can come play with us”.
Yeah - but when was the last time you saw a women post here discussing the size of a mans cock? You dont.
Haha . Go ahead and tell the truth!!!
I don’t see why men and women are obliged to feel attracted to similar features.
Thank you
I will choose left elbow. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmhhh left elbows
Dangly ear lobes for me, and of course perfect corneas.
That’s straight up savage (my niece was saying that word a few years back, its cool for me to say it right?)
theres nothing wrong with being attracted to certain features of women or vice versa. men and women both talk about this stuff all the time. it doesnt make you a weirdo for liking nice bodies and it doesnt mean you only like people because of their looks and dont care about personality etc.
still tho its probably not the best discussion for a schizophrenia forum but more of a thing u talk about with the pals in private
Hi guys I don’t know why we as adults can’t discuss physical attraction.
But if you find the topic indecent I am sorry about that.
I would ask the mods @Ninjastar @anon4362788 to close and delete the topic
I’m OK with it in the sense that you are being honest with what turns you on. I guess that’s just something biological?? Am I right peeps. Idk.