As a reminder, religion is a banned topic. This includes bad mouthing any religion. Do not try to use the forum to convince anyone that religion is bad or a root of SZ. Your posts will be rejected or deleted.
New members please take note of this.
As a reminder, religion is a banned topic. This includes bad mouthing any religion. Do not try to use the forum to convince anyone that religion is bad or a root of SZ. Your posts will be rejected or deleted.
New members please take note of this.
Bumpity bump bump bumpity
So, I’ve come to make a correlation with your avatar And authority. Typically it’s a thread being closed down for whatever reason…
I once worked a job where they told me they give someone a little bit of power and they find out their true nature.
I think that’s the case with you. Definitely not in a bad way. Your just a totally different person than when you showed up on this site screaming in all CAPS because your injection wasn’t working.
Anyway. I think it’s great you improved so much and are now moderator privileges. And I think it brings out the responsible side of you.
I’ve never screamed anything in all caps. Ithink you have me confused with someone else.
No, it was you. Under your other nic. I’m not sure why I remember actually.
Maybe you don’t remember…
No, I never screamed in all caps. I don’t do that. I did complain about my injection not working before changing to a higher dose, though.
Anyway, this isn’t the place for reminiscing. I’m trying to remind people to not bash religion.
The only thing @anon4362788 screams about is when I’m skating backwards on my roof, and she thinks I should get down.
That’s because you never listen.
I should listen to grownups more often, shouldn’t I?
I don’t know how grown up I am. Not with my bad advice.
Oooo you should start another one for sure.
No religion. No bashing religion.
No biggie for me. I’m more spiritual than religious anyhow.
Okay I’ll stop now.
It’s really just a reminder for new folks. Some like to make religious or anti-religious content a part of posts. This is to remind them of the rules, which I wish everyone actually read
@anon78876561 don’t make me silence you.
Also, as a friendly reminder kids stay away from cults.
And for a small check of only a thousand dollars made payable to the “Montezuma Cinema 4k Camera Fund” you too can learn the secrets of the universe, and get in the best shape of your life!!
Go ahead. I was already suspended forty five times this month.
@anon78876561 don’t think I will? How’s a month in the slammer sound?
Total derailment. I should go for two months.