A Promotion at Work

So, I applied/interviewed for a new placement at work and got it. The only thing is, someone else was already in place, doing this job and everyone was happy. She hadn’t been formally placed though and needed to interview, etc., just like everyone else. She must have interviewed poorly though because she didn’t get to stay in the position. (Long story) There were a few higher positions open and we all interviewed for any one of them. I didn’t think I would get this one, but I did. Now, a lot of people at work are upset that this other woman didn’t get the job, especially the people already in this classroom that I’ll be going into. That means, next school year I’ll be starting in a classroom where no one is happy to see me. If I had turned it down, though, I would have given up the promotion all together and I’m not willing to do that.
So, instead of being able to celebrate my promotion, I’m having to be quiet about it and feel bad for the woman whose place I’m taking.
Sometimes it’s not delusion. Sometimes it’s so very clear that, even when something good happens, life can suck just enough to steal your happiness…



Congratulations nonetheless!

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Workplace politics… Ugh. I’m sorry you can’t celebrate. :frowning:


Yes. I do honestly feel bad and don’t understand why this other woman wasn’t kept in her job, but it’s a cruddy situation for me too.

School politics are absolutely the worst. My wife works in one and it’s mind-blowing what goes on there. The admins are particularly childish and prone to nepotism.


hey im sorry to disapoint you but thats life. one day you migth move on to next plas and all and all. hope your bad felling will be over and you selebrate with freand or family. and about the clasroom they will get to now you and even like you. becos life go on

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It’s important to have the best person in the job, especially in a classroom setting. it sounds like this promotion is good for you as well as for the students in your new classroom. :slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulations @Hedgehog! :slight_smile:

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Well, I’m finding that out. I try to just mind my own business and fall under the radar, but this is really upsetting. I know I’m experienced and that I interviewed well, but I do feel a little bit used, if in fact it was just politics that put me in this classroom.
Either way though, everyone, including I, will have to get over it. It is where I wanted to be, and it’s more money each month.
Thanks for your input and understanding, @shutterbug.

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Thanks, @Wave. Aside from all the b.s., I’m really happy about the job. :heart:

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Well done you. Have a quiet celebration and just get on with the job. It’s hard with the politic of people in workplaces but you all had the same opportunities and sounds like you deserved it.

Don’t feel guilty about getting a new job and good luck to your endevours!


You deserve your happiness. Congratulations on getting the job, @Hedgehog.

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