A message to everyone!

You guys rock. Ever since I joined this forum I have done so much better with dealing with my illness. You’re all so understanding, smart, and kind.

Just felt like I should say that.


I feel a similar way about the forum, it definitely helps me. even when i develop paranoia specifically off the forum i manage to work myself out and then continue to see only good on this forum so far


Everyone is so nice here. I have a feeling the mods don’t like me though.

I think that thought is almost as common here as the paranoia causing it

I’ve seen bad mods before on Reddit and nobody here has come close to being what I’d call a bad mod. It’s something I worry about every time the team shuffles but so far so good and I’ve been here 5 years.

I think they’re nice and all, I just don’t think they like me much.

It would be helpful if you paid attention to the forum rules:

Similarly, we understand that members in recovery may enjoy philosophical debates about certain topics (aliens, gambling, government conspiracies, simulation theory, etc.) but those discussions are highly triggering to those who suffer from delusions. Any topics meant to debate these things will be shut down to keep this a safe environment for everyone.

Thanks for understanding.


its nice to read your posts photoguy :slight_smile:

also, sometimes the rules conflict with our illness and this needs a bit more understanding I’d say, the waggy finger sometimes just is not what’s needed, compassion is a good word to use in this instance.

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Thank you I needed that today

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