So I smoked pot in high school. We had a girl on our neighborhood block who was a little younger than me and my friends when we were 16 and she started smoking pot about a year after we started. Her parents were pretty liberal and they let her grow a pot plant in their back yard. It was completely fenced in.
I don’t know if anyone has heard of a type of marijuana called Colombian but it was the most popular strain of pot when I was growing up. and that’s what type of pot plant she was growing. You could get an ounce for $40.00 - $50.00. We all hung out together but me and my friend decided to steal her plant. My friend lived 4 houses away so I spent the night at his house and we stayed up until 3:00 am and while his mom was sleeping, we sneaked out and we went into the adjacent house next to the girls house and we went in back.
We peeked over the fence but we were taking a chance because the girls family raised Great Danes and we didn’t know if they were running loose. We both hopped over the fence. The plant was about three feet high and we both had to grab it to pull it out by the roots, then we jumped back over the fence and ran to his house with it. Well the next morning we took it to our other friends house and we dried it out in the oven and we got about 9 or 10 ounces. We were so happy: free pot!
But later that day we were sitting out on our lawn and she walked by and saw us. She was in a rage. She accused us of taking it but of course we denied it. She hated us but we blamed it on the people behind her house, I felt a little bad but we enjoyed the homegrown for a few weeks. Now this story isn’t like the one the guy at work told me last week where he shot two people and stole their drugs but for us it was a big deal.