A have this feeling that my pdoc just wants to get rid of me

And it feels so real…

Get your pdoc a valentine this February that says, together forever! They will be so moved they will propose, and you’ll get free prescriptions for life.


So long as you have some psychiatrist it doesn’t matter which one it is really. They just prescribe pills. So if you leave your current one, just make sure you have another one lined up.


That better have been sarcasm.

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It really does matter who your psychiatrist is. In my experience, I was on a great set of meds that were almost 100% controlling my symptoms, and then my doctor went on vacation and the doctor covering for her took me off the meds that were working for me and now I’m ON THE EDGE


Woa. Maybe you’re right.

Plus all doctors have different ideas about how to treat patients. Some doctors will talk and listen to you and actually care what’s going on, some don’t. Some doctors like polypharmacy and some don’t. Some are very cautious and change your dosage very slowly, others do it more quickly. Some are very quick to put you in the hospital, some aren’t.


it hurts i know. maybe open a discussion about it with your pdoc and feel your way into it or out of it to another who cares better.


My pdoc visits are sort of your run o’ the mill somewhat disinterested, patronizing, mandatory, BS sessions to get my meds refilled. In her defense, that’s the point; to refill my meds. In my defense; she is disinterested and just ‘doin’ her job’. Would be nice if she cared and asked interested questions. Whatever I spose’. Is what it is.

This is how the National Health Service Trust behaves where I live.

They are only interested in putting out fires after the house has burnt down. As soon as you stabilise they discharge you until you become too sick again to cope.

I have stopped being cooperative with them now and I am actively rejecting them.

I just hope this doesn’t lead to me stopping meds again, but I have had it with them.

All my adult life, I felt that my mother just wanted to get rid of me. Now, she’s dead so I no longer have that feeling.

Where do you live? I feel bad for you. I am so sorry!

I’m so sorry that happened to you! Can you get back with your old doctor and request your old meds back?

I live near Brighton on the South Coast of England. I appreciate their help with my meds and when I have been hospitalised I have been grateful for the rest-bite. The long-term care is non-existent.

I am having to meet with a local charity called Mind to see if they can help longer-term.

I will pray for you, Scott, that you get the help that you need. God bless!

I am very blessed that I live in the U.S.A. and I have a wonderful pdoc here who takes good care of me. I have been under his care for the last 21 years and he has seen me at my worst and best phases and everything in between. I wouldn’t give him up for the world, and I believe he feels the same way about me as his patient. He is the head of the psychiatric department for these particular hospitals in the whole Midwest region. He is a medical educator, a psychiatric researcher, a medical author, a psychiatrist and a counselor. He counsels me not only on my psychiatric illness, but also on my yoga, meditation and ayurvedic practices, as he is a native Hindi. He wears many hats, but, I call him “friend”.