im fine, almost normal. no voices, no paranoia, no racing thoughts, maybe some delusions but nothing that’s not within my rights. the only thing im noticing is the negatives now that seem to prevent me from wanting to do anything.
this is not a bad condition to be in really, if your needs are provided, like mine are.
is it the meds that brings me this fortune or is it just maturity? im not sure. I hate to stay on meds all my life if they are going to cause physical illness like heart disease or diabetes or maybe even brain shrinkage like I’ve heard about.
im not ready to quit meds yet though, maybe a couple more years and see if I never get any breakthrough symptoms.
Good to hear. I’m lucky enough to have absolutely no symptoms whatsoever whilst on meds. I’m also hoping to come off them early 2019. I don’t want diabetes.
In order to avoid heart disease and diabetes do your best to avoid obesity and smoking and add an exercise routine like walking 30 minutes a day. Hopefully the meds won’t do any damage if you take care of yourself otherwise.
@Lifer and @StonePaperScissors I’ve been on meds for decades and physically going strong so please don’t consider going off meds. My pneumonia had nothing to do with meds. I was stubbornly ignoring it until it got bad.
I managed to cope off meds for five years but in 2012 I relapsed so been on meds ever since. I’ve tried to come off again but relapsed over and over so I am taking meds now long term
Same here. I was able to cope without meds for about six years. I was a mess before that and self-medicated mostly with weed and alcohol. During the six years i had minor problems but i was able to deal with it. Since then it has come back even more intensely than before and i am back on meds. Probably will be from now on.
I will never go off my meds. My symptoms are horrible when I do. I have been on meds for over 23 years. I am having health problems but I will always take my meds.