I mean to be told I had schiz and schizoaffive to bipolar and now anxiety and mood swings in the space of 10 years!
That must be difficult to process.
i stiil believe youre sz
I chose not to have kids partly because I have schiz or bipolar. I have underlying issues obviously and they feel real but to me it changes a lot.
I honestly don’t know anymore.
do you hear voices ish…I always thought you did…
I know a lot of schizophrenics who mislead others by telling people they don’t hear voices but do in truth…its just one of those awful symptoms of sz…voies tell you to say things that are not true
I don’t hear voices , never have heard voices. My only symptom in psychosis was delusions and slight paranoia.
well if I knew for sure I didn’t have sz and didn’t hear voices, id be celebrating as id have my life back
I have some answers though wouldn’t be celebrating getting my life back … as I have underlying issues still that obviously make life difficult especially where I go from job to job everytime things get too much.
Yeah I could see why you’d be angry about that . . .
I would find it extremely frustrating to go from diagnosis to diagnosis. Especially trying to understand yourself and your symptoms. I would benefit from some psycho education, as could my family. I believe that knowledge of why I am the way I am, and how that’s linked would be an essential part of my healing.
I hope you can get some closure you feel at peace.
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