It doesn’t even taste like the chocolate I’m used to.
What’s your favorite kinda chocolate? Do you like high percentage cocoa?
It doesn’t even taste like the chocolate I’m used to.
What’s your favorite kinda chocolate? Do you like high percentage cocoa?
I prefer a lower cocoa percentage.
92% is too much. I used to eat 70% but now prefer 45-55% cocoa. I once tried 99% cocoa chocolate, I spat it out and threw the rest in the garbage, it tastes too bitter.
I prefer dark chocolate, but 92% is too high for me. I like it best in the range of 72%-76% cocoa.
My son likes the high cocoa content. I buy him the 85% one sometimes, I tried it, I didn’t like it very well. I like dark chocolate sometimes, but that’s too dark. I like some sweetness to it, some cream.
I love chocolate. I actually use a spoonfull of raw 100% chocolate in my cereal in the morning. It’s bitter, but I balance it out with fruit or a little sugar. It’s good, and raw cocoa is supposed to be extra healthy compared to processed chocolate.
So the higher the cocoa % means it’s darker chocolate?
Yes. Higher % cocoa means its darker.
Definitely a no. I like milk the best.
Some dark chocolate is okay but definitely not super high percentage of cocoa.
It’s healthy, but I don’t like it. I prefer milk chocolate
Well, I’m experimenting. I read how good it is for you and the article suggested 70% so that’s what I bought off Amazon. So far, so good, it tastes just sweet enough so I can easily eat a bar at a time for my sweet tooth.
I love dark chocolate.
i eat 85 percent every day, half a bar. you can find it cheap at aldi’s. dark chocolate is healthy for you if you don’t eat too much of it. it’s an acquired taste, but it tastes great at that percent, and is decadent. i would guess going higher would be too bitter and taste bad… i should try it sometime, they got the higher stuff at meijer for like twice the cost.
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