700 dollar guitar for 150

I posted on this buy cheap guitars group on facebook about a guitar i was going to buy. A bunch of people said dont do it. So one guy messaged me and said he has a gretsch hollow body (i think they are all hollow body with this company) and said he needed to get rid of it cause his son quit playing. Its a $700 guitar.

So i told him i didnt have the money and explained my situation. On disability with schizophrenia and depression and anxiety. He lowered the price to $150. Pretty much covers shipping. He is mailing it today. This is such a blessing!

I have been scammed before and really took a chance cause he seems like just a good guy. I figure if it is a scam its only $150 I’d spend on junk food anyway. So it was worth the risk to me.


If it is a scam use chargeback from your bank to reverse the transaction.

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Whats chargeback

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Nice, enjoy the guitar! Is it acoustic?

I got a 40 inch wide acoustic guitar with accessories for $100 and it’s okay! A little hard making a F major chord but I’m pleased for the money. I practiced chords this morning. I like the sound. I use my nylon string guitar for classical music and finger picking blues. That guitar cost $200 in the year 2000 so maybe it would be more today. It also is a little hard making the F major chord.

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No. Its a semi hollow electric. Good for the blues, old country, beatles.

It hurts me to play barre chords too. My hand muscles are so out of shape cause i havent picked up the guitar in so long. Ive been playing the past few days and really have been enjoying myself. I forgot how much i loved guitar

Congratulations!!! That’s so thoughtful of him! Yay for you!!!

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