Yesterday, 10/22/2020, was my AA birthday. I’ve been sober for 5 months now
Congratulations @anon54988740 ! Keep going.
Thanks everhopeful.
That’s really great!
Well done! I’m walking with you, on my third month!
Congratulations!!! Remember the self talk is my only advice.
View it as a lifestyle CHANGE and not a streak,
Jeej, well done you!
Kudos to you. Keep on going strong.
Great job!!! That’s awesome!!!
Well done, you! Wishing you another 24 hours.
That’s all I can do is 24-hours at a time.
Way to go @anon54988740!
Wonderful! You’re doing great.
You’re doing it right! Keep it manageable. Feel free to PM me any time you need support, okay?
I switched to Abilify last May, and my mood swings mostly went away (SzA). It’s easier now not to drink because my mood swings are triggers to drink. I can’t say I’ll never drink again, only just for today. I know if I drink one drink I will not stop with just one. I can relate to some of the stories shared in the Big Book by alcoholics.
Congratulations @anon54988740
You should be proud of yourself! Keep it up.
Congratulations @anon54988740!
Amazing, I’m sure you are feeling the benefits of a alcohol free life.
I’m still getting used to not feeling the alcohol. The main benefit is I’m not supposed to drink taking Abilify I think. I’m using Tylenol for my arthritis now, and you can’t drink taking it. My arthritis has just developed in the last year or so