But I’m trying to figure out where my dark hair and eyes comes from
Spain? Italy? Portugal?
Ancestry DNA is more specific about your heritage. Maybe try their test and see.
Idk. I’m only .1% Iberian. My tests says that I’m 65.2% British and Irish.
My family is Irish and Italian and we all have dark hair and eyes.
There are dark haired and darker complexion Irish.
It could be the Iberian bloodlines.
It could be. It’s funny though. I’ve been told all my life that I’m part Cherokee.
I got a little African and Middle Eastern in me from my Sicilian ancestry. I think I may have had a Spanish ancestor too. I’m not sure. I have no famous ancestors.
We did 23 and Me and we were looking for Jewish bloodline results because it was thought that my Italian Grandmother had Jewish ancestry.
But the results showed zero Jewish ancestry.
So I know how you feel.
Yeah. It’s disappointing. My dad swears though that we’re Native American. His eyes and hair are black.
My son looks like a little Cherokee boy but his dad is white as a snowflake.
I’m also .1% Balkin and they are dark too.
They can be but not all of them.
It’s a possibility, sure.
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