20 mg abilify from 20 zyprexa

I recently switched to abilify as my main AP as opposed to a supplementary AP which i had used while on seroquel and zyprexa. I hated zyprexa so much so i quit it as soon as my semester at school ended. About a week later i got the 20 mg of abilify because i felt it better suited my needs. Been taking about a week and so far i am still experiencing voices and extreme mood swings and cognitive changes. Yet i feel extremely sedated but i wonder if that is because of the high dose of doxepin i am taking every night that i increased at the same time as restarting abilify. Im feeling very worried and my memory feels wiped out. I dont know what is because of meds anymore and what is because of my sza. Please if anyone has experienced anything similar help me out

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I used to be on zyprexa now i am on respridral. …

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Feels good to say that huh :wink:

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Risperadal gave me akasthisia.

…what??..please explain

Was talking to @far_cry0

he just switched to Risperdal so he can say that now :wink: lol

Sorry wish I could help but Idk

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■■■■ risperidal but hopefully it worksfor him it made me feel like i was standing at the edge of an interminable abyss

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Those boxes mean f%*k

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Hi chew do u decrease ur dose. .ur on 20mg…

I’m on 10 mg now.

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Oh i see…1515151515165151515165161616

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Why Are you trying to mess with my head, man? Its TWENTY

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