10+ years being schizophrenic

Hello everyone, I’m new here wanting to get to know some people who know what I’m going through. Its been a long time for me to have schizophrenia. I’ve been through drugs, been locked up, and all kinds of stuff. Just looking to have conversations with people who go through same things that I do!


Nice to meet you @wingsofice

welcome to the board

it may be a message board, but its not a message bored, unless it serves the purpose for when you’re bored!


Thanks bro! Yeah I’mtired of being in a world where nobody knows what I m thinking. Hopefully this place will help with that


It helps with a lot of things. Everything from symptoms to meds to just dang entertaining yourself. I’m sure you’ll like it here :sunglasses:

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Hello. I’m 34 plus years sza. I did light drugs as a young woman, (pot), and was once locked up overnight in a county jail for something that wasn’t even my fault, (I was charged with being intoxicated with psychiatric medications). I was even placed on parole for this charge for six months, as amazing as this sounds. This was in Sarpy county NE, 2015. I’ve been locked up in psychiatric wards many times.

Going on 37 years. Time fly’s when you’re having fun.

Hi there, welcome! I was diagnosed with sz 14 years ago, been through ups and downs, tried seven different antipsychotics, and been to numerous pdocs and been in hospital seven times. I have only come to understand my sz after all these years. When i first got sz in 2003 I didn’t know what it was and how it works. I went into remission after three to four years and thought it was gone forever, went off meds that time. For five years I was doing fine, thought i never even had sz but then in 2012 it came back. It was only after i was rediagnosed in 2013 that I started to understand it will always be there. Been taking meds ever since my relapse. And doing fine now on them.

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I’ve been living with this illness for 20 years. I was locked up in jail once for contempt of court. I had a traffic violation and didn’t take a court ordered defensive driving class. I didn’t take the class because I was coming down with schizophrenia at them time. The judge sentenced me to two weeks. They let me out of jail early because I wasn’t eating or drinking water.

It’s been a long road to recovery. My hallucinations and delusions have subsided over the years. I take my medication every day. I’m far from cured but my quality of life has improved. I still have a lot of other problems associated with this illness. It’s been a fight over the years just try and be normal. I hide my illness well and because of that some people think there is nothing wrong with me. Some people just don’t understand how difficult it is to have this illness.

I’ve stuck with treatment for 20 years. I did drugs when I was younger but I’ve stayed away from them all these years. I do my best to stay out of trouble. The last place I’d want to end up is in jail with a mental illness. It would suck to be surrounded by predators and not be able to defend yourself because of being sick.

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Got ill in my early 20s. In my 30s now.

I was first put on a major tranquilizer thirty years ago. That was probably the point where they first dx’ed me schizophrenic. Sometimes I think I could have worked out my problems without the harsh med’s, but then again, I was pretty weird.

Hi! 14 years with sz over here. Welcome to the forums! You’ll find lots of people like you here. I spent so long thinking I was the only one of my kind in the whole world. All my doctors and everyone even said they had never treated anyone like me before. I’ve never had a peer group. But on here, I fit right in! And you will, too!

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