How much time have you had schizophrenia?

I have had it for 9 years. It seems like a long time. Its funny 9 years of life seems like a second but 9 years of sz seems like an eternity.


I was diagnosed last September. But my pdoc thinks (as well do I) that I started having negative symptoms when I was 16 (4 years ago).

Diagnosed at 29 in 1999. Symptomatic for years previously though so it’s a bit of a hard thing to answer.

I was diagnosed last year in February but I think I’ve had it since I was a teenager. Can’t say exactly when it started for me. I’m turning 23 on the 18th.

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I’ve had sza for 36 years now. I was diagnosed 24 years ago. I’m 57.

I’ve had it my whole life. So 23 years I only got officially diagnosed last year. But before then I had a “psychotic disorder” cause my psychiatrist didn’t want to diagnose a kid.

And before that my abuser/psychiatrist was in charge but I don’t count any of those diagnoses that she gave me valid.

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I’m 26 not technically diagnosed but I know I have it. ■■■■ went down hill 2 years ago

24 years, from 1994.

The whole time…or atleast aslong as memory serves… i didnt know everyone didnt feel like this until 4 years ago though…


Really all my life, but diagnosed with Schizophrenia at 20 or 21 years old.
I’m 53 now.

2000 I was diagnosed it came out of nowhere but I did have some strange things happen in my teens. I just isolated incidences

My working diagnosis is schizophreniform since I exhibited schizophrenia-like symptoms for longer than a month but it hasn’t yet been six months since my break; this diagnosis evolves into either schizophrenia or bipolar once the six months are up and mine nearly are. I’ve always had anxiety and somewhat delusional thinking though.

Does it seem a long time to you or sz years flew by?

Flew by @anon62371846 151515

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7 years. :slight_smile: I am 30 now.

I was diagnosed with sz two years ago but that was from the mental hospital. My psychiatrist said it was schizoaffective.

Diagnosed sz 6 years ago, but I think I was misdiagnosed with psychotic depression 14 years ago and that’s really when the sz started.

I have been diagnosed schizophrenic for almost exactly twenty years…I was prodromal before that though for three years…

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two and a half years have flown by, they were torturous, still are

28 years o this crap :roll_eyes: