Side effects I had on just 75mg a day on titration were:
Sleepiness throughout the day.
Constipation that lasted 4 days and is still not resolved.
Messing my bed (Not done that since I was a kid)
Extreme nausea that was lasting throughout the day
In the end I was not happy with it. Only on 75mg did I get these effects, and I can only imagine how much worse they would have got if I’d continued treatment.
I had no benefit in my mental state. Effectively all the drug did was make me sleep a lot, and when I was awake I just felt physically sick
Please note this is not a review, and these things might not happen to you if you take it, but just trying to explain my reasons clearly as to why I have decided not to proceed with it
Be interesting to hear what the doctors come back with now, given my statement of not wanting to try anything right now, but instead now I am on just 500mg Amisulpride, to give this a go…
My thoughts are that if the 1200mg Amisulpride was not fully effective, I want to experiment with it and see if 500mg seems to lead to a similar treatment outcome - which I think is perfectly reasonable to see what happens.
I hated the attention on Clozapine. The whole community titration process was shambolic, and I hope I never have to experience that again
Time will tell what will happen, but the mental health services now no longer have full access to my inner most thoughts and symptoms.
It will be up to me to judge if I need the support or not, and I will not be subject to tick box questions from idiotic people.
I understand your decision. I just thought the side effects were dose dependent. You see I were on 600 mg Closapine and 300 mg Clopixol every other week and I had drolling, constipation, weight gain and solomness as main side effects and although that it was very effective for my illness I simply just found the side effects too harsh.
It has not been as effective as it should be for some time now and I have been stubborn about seeking treatment when the side effects have been so mild
I take 3 antipsychotics just a little reduction in any of them would get me admitted immediately.
Good luck with the fluanxol it is said to be one of the better oldies and that’s an evergreen.