Shaking from haldol

I’ve noticed my hands still shake as does my right leg but my pdoc didn’t seemed concerned. Should I tell the new one about it when I see her in march? has anyone developed shaking hands or legs from anti psychotics what should I do?

Can you give your new pdoc a call and ask what she thinks? Could be signs of serious side effect one has to be very careful about.

I had the shakes and my pdoc prescribed me inderal and they’re gone. I took it for two months. Talk to your new pdoc about it.

Do you have any other side effects from Haldol? I did not like that drug when I was on it. There are alternatives. You might try switching AP’s.

Haloperidol can be a miracle for some but was a nightmare for me. Terribly movement side effects. Here in the uk they prescribe procyclidine for the extra pyramidals (movement stuff). Don’t think this med is used like this in America.

They can give you an anti-parkinsonism drug to help. I forget the name of it, but I always get tremors and cramping from the moldy oldie APs like Haldol and CPZ/Thorazine if I take them for more than a couple of days. Used to take the extra med to help with that. I don’t have that issue with Geodon, thank the FSM.


I got prescribed benzothropine for the shakes, I could call his nurse she seems to care about patients more than he does. the Haldol kind of works for my symptoms, not completely but it’s worked better than the fanapt, invega and risperidone and the latuda alone isn’t enough.

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I had tremors in my hands from Geodon but 50 mg of Benadryl a day keeps them away. It’s an over the counter medicine and it works great. At first it makes you sleepy so take it at night but you get used to it. Just try it once and see if it works for you. The supplement L Lysine made my tremors come back though even with Benedryl so I stopped taking that.

@cbbrown. Clozaril causes massive restlessness & twitching of my hand/leg. Propranolol helps.

@Loke i’m already on propranonol for high blood pressure.

@cbbrown. Does pro help at all?

@Loke, it may help but I was on propranonol before I started taking Haldol. It may be why the shaking isn’t wide spread or really bad.