Schizophrenia patients with high intelligence: A clinically distinct sub-type of schizophrenia?


Holy ■■■■ balls. This is awesome!!!

There are other Pumpkin Kings?

JK I knew that there are other smart people with schizophrenia. I actually decided to go to class and quit abusing crap because of their stories.


Cool, some validation for what some of us have been saying. Maybe also those higher IQ people gravitate towards one another so to them it would appear from experience that people with SZ are of a higher intelligence.

Cool. Can they give this subtype a cool name sorta like aspberger’s vs autism?


Im a 135 IQ Schizo. I think the complexities of my voices is a result of this. Maybe higher IQ means more interactive voices, but Im just speculating.

I tend to agree with you Mottec. My voices are complex and i get many compared to 1 or 2 standard sounding voices. I also get messages in the tv. They seem to play with the characters on screen as living avatars.

It should be interesting to read more information in the future.

dark sith goes into the corner of the room with the ’ dunce ’ hat on

take care
not so bright :alien:


Pre antipsychotics, smart.

Post antipsychotics, dumb.

Don’t take antipsychotics, torture.


I was very smart before I got ill. I had a thing for finding patterns in large ammount of information. I had a very logic mind. But now
not so smart anymore. My psychologist says I’m more “normal” now.

If it makes you feel any better, you can believe you’re in the sub-type class. Small consolation for being a SZ. It probably makes things worse. I suffer from an IQ of 133.

What does it mean for this to be a ‘clinically distinct sub-type’? Maybe @mortimermouse can explain? Could, for instance, schizophrenia patients with a good social network be possibly classified as a ‘distinct sub-type’ as well? How is intelligence different from other factors that contribute to the course of the condition?

There are people that are intelligent and there are people who aren’t, the same goes with schizophrenia. In the past there was the diagnose mental derangement psychosis (debiliteitspsychose) but it was not tenable anymore.

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I have a low iq , yet am very capable. its not all about the IQ.

A doctor once called me mentally retarted because I didn’t say a word. IQ has to do with your understanding of things not how much you speak. I think that doctor was mentally retarted herself.

What intelligence is associated with is lower negative symtpoms, greater insight, higher scores on assessments of functioning, ect.

It’s basically proposing that highly intelligent people with schizophrenia are so different than the other people with it in their thoughts and behaviors that they are a different breed (so to speak) in the eyes of psychologists and psychiatrists.

That’s exactly my IQ. That’s a coincidence. I do believe that I suffer from it- I am expected to do great things and earn a doctorate. My friends and family all want me to become a psychologist, even my psychiatrist and therapist do.

It’s a burden. My girlfriend has a note on the wall of her room, it says “with great power comes great responsibility.” It’s a quote from Spider-Man.