Poll: How long did it take you to accept it was "pills for life"

  • immediately
  • Still don’t accept it
  • 1-2 years
  • 2-4 years
  • 4-6 years
  • 6-8 years
  • 8-10 years
  • Longer than 10 years but accept it now

0 voters

I have not accepted that I need pills for life with the main reason being that I might not need pills for life, even if I have to have to have symptoms. I’m on 40mg Depixol injection every 2 weeks at the moment and have been on it for a year. I’ve been told by 2 consultant psychiatrists that I can start reducing the dose at the 2 year mark. Now this is what is bothering me, do I reduce over 2 years or do I play a safer game and reduce over like 5 years. Reason being i am thinking of doing a 5mg drop every 9 months as it would take I think 7 to 8 months to show any signs of symptoms, well that is for me with my relapse history. Also the reason I think I should really take my time is that if i am to show symptoms again i want them to be mild and not a full blown relapse.

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I put done haven’t accepted it as well,

because I want to recover completely, and I have hope.


@daze, @seriouslydisturbed, is part of your dilemma related to the fact that you find your current meds difficult to tolerate? Or can you tolerate them ok, just that you hope to recover?

I tolerate them ok, and I’m in a plateau.

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I still didn´t accept that its pills for life. I had a psychosis a year ago and i hope it was a one time psychosis only. Even my pdoc said that its too early to call this sz because it happened only once and that i should take aps for at least a year. Doc at psych ward diagnosed me as paranoid sz, but he never asked me about how i felt and what i was going trough he just talked with my parents who i see maybe 2 times a month for an hour. They couldnt know what i was going trough and he listened to them. D**k So i have hope. Only time will tell.

I’ve already recovered once, I was well for almost 5 years with no meds and no symptoms. The only reason I relapsed was because i smoked some cannabis, a big no no for someone who had my history as i found out. Also I have been having a real hard time tolerating them in the past 6 years, thats why i’ve stopped them a few times cold turkey which i deeply regret. My main issue is the way I feel and the sexual side effects, i don’t want to be single for life.


Do you think you could wean off medication again seriouslydisturbed? Like you did before. 5 years is a long time. Maybe it could be longer if you didn´ t smoke that pot. Maybe even forever. I tried pot a few times. I was derealized for a year because of it and 2 years later psychosis happened. Im sure its related.

I’m not getting my hopes up on getting off the meds and having no symptoms, but still i hope to make it off one day. I think the cannabis and schizophrenia is related as there is no history in my family of schizophrenia and plus i was smoking it every day in my teens for about 3 years.

They say cannabis is the safest drug, but it can f*** you up pretty bad.

It took a relapse after having come off the meds once. There was some research here a while ago that showed how psychoses wreck your brain. No need to do more damage to it.

For now I’m on my meds for a while since I still have some break through glitches and some flair ups.

I’m doing better then I ever have… but also… growing up… being clean and sober… this has a huge impact.

I’m accepting that I need my meds for this part of my life… but who knows what will happen in 15 more years.

I said 2-4 years because I was 12 when I was diagnosed, and it was a hard thing for a young tween to comprehend. After being locked away in a state hospital, I determined I was doomed to remain on them. As it turns out, I went into remission at age 18. I relapsed when I was 26, and it’s now been a longer time for me on meds than as a tween. The way life is going, I don’t see myself coming off them any time soon.

I voted 6 years. I was told that I had to take them for at least a year. Then after a year I went off them for 2 years, had a hospitalisation, went back on them, still thought I could recover magically, came off them for 6 weeks, then just accepted it.

im a lifer…

You don’t seem to be the same guy I remember from your earlier postings. I’m not sure you are the same person.

Thank you for that…

I’m still me… I think growing up and living more on my own has changed me.

I’ve been trying to stand on my own two feet more… rather then having my family bail me out of situations…

I still live with my sis… but I’m trying to be more independent.

Your postings here have far fewer words. Are you taking more medication?

the Latuda did get pushed up… The Seroquel stayed the same… and I am on Depakote now…

No where near as euphoric and manic as I used to be…

Fighting off more negative symptoms then positive ones… I have better sleep patterns now…

Back when I wrote pages and pages for one response… I hardly slept…

Well, you like it that the Latuda got pushed up. It always helps me to be more drugged than less. The way I express myself becomes drab and infrequent. It’s like being depressed only it’s because you are drugged.

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